Question: What is progesterone? Posted on 17 Feb 06:34

Answer: Progesterone is one of the main hormones produced by the female body, and is very important during pregnancy. However, that’s not the only time when it is important or beneficial. It is found in large amounts in the brain, and in the thymus gland, which manages stress. Progesterone also blocks the effects of cortisol, a potentially harmful hormone produced during stress. Cortisol can cause osteoporosis, aging of the skin, damage to brain cells, and the accumulation of fat, especially on the back and abdomen.

Progesterone helps improve many organ systems. It strengthens the bones and makes the heart and veins more efficient. It improves memory and reduces anxiety. Additionally, progesterone can reduce the symptoms of many medical conditions, including epilepsy, emphysema, arthritis, and immunological conditions. It can even be used to reverse aging.

Progesterone is best utilized by the body when dissolved in vitamin E, which enables it to quickly spread to major tissues and organs, and allows it to quickly be absorbed through the lips, gums, or tongue. When progesterone is taken with foods and processed as part of digestion, its absorption happens at a much slower rate.

Although progesterone is produced in much greater amounts by women than men, men can sometimes benefit from it--it is even more important to the body than testosterone. As the complement of estrogen, progesterone is commonly used to combat the symptoms of menopause, and should be taken by women who have had their ovaries removed. A lack of progesterone does not only result in more severe menopausal systems, but can lead to the disruption of organ systems, and some types of cancer--which it can be used to prevent.